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Projects list
Current projects
- 2008-2011 Intergrating Ecological, Evolutionary, and Genomic Analysis of Treehopper's Endosymbionts that Mediate Insect Herbivory. (NSC 97-2621-B-029-001-MY3)
- 2008-2011 The effects of differential thinning on species diversity and community structures of insects in Cryptomeria japonica plantations. (NSC 99-2621-M-029 -001)
Past projects
- 2009 Population size and dispersal of Lucanus datunesis (Yangmingshan National Park).
- 2005-2007 Phylogeny, Biogeography, and Evolution of Life History Traits in Southeast Asian Hypsauchenine Treehoppers (Hemiptera: Membracidae). (NSC 93WFD0105096)
- 2007 Conservation genetics of Lucanus datunesis (Yangmingshan National Park).
- 2005 Intergrating Ecological, Evolutionary, and Genomic Analysis of Treehopper's Endosymbionts that Mediate Insect Herbivory. (NSC 93WFD0105150)
2007 Conservation genetics of Lucanus datunesis (Yangmingshan National Park).
陽明山國家公園屬季風型亞熱帶氣候區,多樣的地形及繁茂的植被提供了北臺灣各種動物絕佳的覓食、活動和棲息場所,孕育及保存了豐富的生物多樣性。大屯姬深山鍬形蟲 Lucanus datunesis Hashimoto 1984 (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) 是臺灣特有種鍬形蟲,族群分布範圍狹窄,僅出現於陽明山國家公園內大屯火山區,屬於晝行性物種,每年五到六月雄蟲大量出現在大屯山區芒草叢、箭竹叢或地面,雌蟲較為少見。近年來由於棲地破壞和人類大量採集的壓力下,使得臺灣鍬形蟲的族群數量逐年下降,因此進行此一國家公園內特有昆蟲的生態研究,有助於大屯姬深山鍬形蟲的保育工作。目前學界對其生活史及族群動態尚無任何相關研究,因此本計畫將針對大屯山區大屯姬深山鍬形蟲,首先鑑定其分子分類地位,其次探討其族群遺傳結構,估算有效族群量大小,並探討其族群內遺傳多樣性。