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Projects list
Current projects
- 2008-2011 Intergrating Ecological, Evolutionary, and Genomic Analysis of Treehopper's Endosymbionts that Mediate Insect Herbivory. (NSC 97-2621-B-029-001-MY3)
- 2008-2011 The effects of differential thinning on species diversity and community structures of insects in Cryptomeria japonica plantations. (NSC 99-2621-M-029 -001)
Past projects
- 2009 Population size and dispersal of Lucanus datunesis (Yangmingshan National Park).
- 2005-2007 Phylogeny, Biogeography, and Evolution of Life History Traits in Southeast Asian Hypsauchenine Treehoppers (Hemiptera: Membracidae). (NSC 93WFD0105096)
- 2007 Conservation genetics of Lucanus datunesis (Yangmingshan National Park).
- 2005 Intergrating Ecological, Evolutionary, and Genomic Analysis of Treehopper's Endosymbionts that Mediate Insect Herbivory. (NSC 93WFD0105150)
2009 Population size and dispersal of Lucanus datunesis (Yangmingshan National Park).
大屯姬深山鍬形蟲 Lucanus datunesis Hashimoto 1984 (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) 是臺灣特有種鍬形蟲,族群分布範圍狹窄,僅出現於陽明山國家公園內大屯火山區。由於棲地破壞和人類大量採集的壓力下,使得鍬形蟲的族群數量逐年下降。保育物種族群多樣性的重點之一在於維持族群長期存活所需之關聯族群。因此了解物種遷徙的過程及遷徙發生時的距離和速率,將有助於實際且全面性了解關聯族群的動態。因此本計畫將針對陽明山國家公園園區內大屯姬深山鍬形蟲族群,利用標放法 (mark-release-recapture) 研究該族群的遷徙模式,並嘗試分析影響鍬形蟲遷徙的生物因子 (大小、性別、年齡等) 和環境因子 (溫度、濕度、日照、風速等)。