自 2014 年 3 月起,我們將網站遷移到新伺服器:http://web.ntnu.edu.tw/~treehopper/
- 王若凡
- 1. 短腹幽蟌 Euphaea formosa 的領域行為. 2. 角蟬前胸背板的演化模式.
- 陳宏年
- 1. 颱風如何影響白痣珈蟌, Matrona cyanoptera 的存活率. 2. Euphaea amphicyana 表型變異模式.
- 葉人瑋
- 臺灣 Carabus 步行蟲生態與演化.
- 鄭筠潔
- 水蠆到底吃什麼?短腹幽蟌和白痣珈蟌稚蟲的DNA條碼食性分析.
- 黃崇鑫
- 雞冠細身鍬形蟲大顎對稱性與發育不穩定性.
- 曾惠芸
- 1. 球背象鼻蟲體色斑紋的功能. 2. 球背象鼻蟲親緣關係與體色斑紋的演化. 3. 蘭嶼與綠島球背象鼻蟲族群遺傳研究.
- 蕭伊廷
- Euphaea amphicyana 幽蟌生殖器變異.
- 陳彥廷
- 大雪山森林經營模式對鞍馬山步行蟲型態的影響.
- 黃均蕙
- 鹿角鍬形蟲的打鬥行為模式.
- 吳詩婷
- 角蟬.
- 林橋威
- 鹿角鍬形蟲的打鬥行為模式.
- 蘇詠超
- 行為生態、社會生物、族群遺傳、及分子親緣關係
- 蕭瑋良
- Euphaea amphicyana 幽蟌翅脈地理變異.
- 翁麗紋
- 黃緣螢幼蟲為何發光?
- 李逸鴻
- Euphaea 屬豆娘種化模式.
- 關哲昀
- 雞冠細身鍬形蟲大顎變異.
- 鄭竹晏
- 菲律賓弧角蟬親緣地理.
- 陳明玉
- 菲律賓雅角蟬 Centrochares horifficus 的親緣地理與族群歷史.
- 黃紹彰
- 白痣珈蟌視覺溝通系統
- 黃仁磐
- 短腹幽蟌 Euphaea formosa 的族群遺傳與親緣地理分析
- 陳薇云
- 泡沫蟬 Okiscarta uchidae 內共生菌之分子特徵與親緣關係
- Vanitha Williams
- 負子椿象和蜻蜓幼蟲對孓孓的補食潛力
- Marina Vilenica
- 克羅埃西亞 Turopolje 地區溼地蜻蜓組成
- Klaas-Douwe 'KD' B. Dijkstra
- 蜻蛉歷史,多樣性,與鑑定
- Erin McCullough
- Ashley E. King
- 獨角仙之性別內打鬥與性別間敵對行為.
Erin McCullough
蒙大拿大學博士生 (國科會台美加交換學生 2009)
研究物種:Allomyrina dichotomus
武器的多樣性: 甲蟲的空氣動力損耗.
My PhD research explores the possibility that species’ differences in the costs of elaborate weaponry may help explain their divergent evolution in form. Specifically, I propose that the different locomotor costs incurred by weapons with different sizes, shapes, and locations may have contributed to modifications in weapon architecture among animal species. To understand the functional costs of weapons, and how the differential costs of weapons may have led to weapon divergence among species, I will characterize the costs of flying with an elaborate weapon: rhinoceros beetle horns. My goal is to understand how selective pressures among individuals to minimize the costs of flight may have shaped the behavior, morphology, and flight performance of rhinoceros beetles, and how selective pressures among species living in different habitats and experiencing different ecological constraints may have contributed to the diversification of weapon form.
Erin 野外調查.