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湯馬士伍德 (1942-2002)
“ 研究是一種生活型態; 年齡是一種心理狀態. ”
—湯姆伍德, 1998
湯姆伍德先生在一九四二年六月十二號誕生於美國俄亥俄州的克里夫蘭市. 他在一九六四年於俄亥俄州的 威靈頓學院 取得生物學士學位並副修化學. 一九六八年他在 康乃爾大學 昆蟲學系 攻得昆蟲學博士學位, 在同年回到母校威靈頓學院任教, 並在一九七O到一九七九年間擔任該校生物學系主任. 在一九七九年, 他加入 德拉威大學 昆蟲與野生動物生態學系 的教授群. 湯姆一生大多數的時間和精力都致力於角蟬生物學各個層面的研究, 包含解剖生理學 (角蟬前胸背板的組織和結構), 行為和社會生物學 (親代照顧和防衛, 螞蟻共生, 交配生殖, 社會性的演化), 生物地理學 (緯度和海拔對角蟬物種多樣性的影響), 生活史模式與演化, 遺傳學, 以及角蟬的形態分類學與分子親緣關係. 湯姆在科學上最為人知的研究是 Enchenopa 角蟬的共域演化 (sympatric speciation).
(本段文字由 Kelley Tilmon 發表於 美國昆蟲學家 , winter 2002 的 Tom Wood's obituary 修改翻譯而成)
一群伍德教授最喜歡的 Enchenopa binotata 角蟬聚集在寄主 Viburnum lentago 的枝條上 (攝影 林仲平)
一篇紀念湯姆伍德的文章, '達爾文與自然史研究', 刊登於臺灣環境資訊中心 '達爾文200專集' , 2009.04.21.
(以下文章版權屬於出版社所有, pdf 下載僅限於個人使用)
Lin, C-P., M. S. Cast, T. K. Wood and M-Y. Chen. 2007. Phylogenetics and phylogeography of the oak treehopper Platycotis vittata indicate three distinct North American lineages and a neotropical origin. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 45:750–756
Lin, C-P., B. N. Danforth and T. K. Wood. 2004. Molecular phylogenetics and evolution of maternal care in membracine treehoppers. Systematic Biology. 53:400–421.
Lin, C-P., and T. K. Wood. 2002. Molecular phylogeny of the North American Enchenopa binotata species complex (Homoptera: Membracidae). Annals of Entomological Society of America. 95:162–171.
Wood, T. K., K. J. Tilmon, A. B. Shantz, C. K. Harris, and J. Pesek. 1999. The role of host-plant fidelity in initiating insect race formation. Evolutionary Ecology Research. 1: 317–332.
Tilmon, K. J., T. K. Wood, and J. D. Pesek. 1998. Genetic variation in performance traits and the potential for host shifts in Enchenopa treehoppers (Homoptera: Membracidae). Annals of The Entomological Society of America 91: 397–403.
Wood, T. K. 1993a. Diversity in the New World Membracidae. Annual Review of Entomology. 38:409–435.
Wood, T. K. 1993b. Speciation of the Enchenopa binotata complex (Insecta: Homoptera: Membracidae). In D. R. Lees and D. Edwards. Evolutionary Patterns and Processes. Linnean Society of London. Academic Press. pp. 299–317.
Pratt, G., and T. K. Wood 1993. Genitalic analysis of males and females in the Enchenopa binotata (Say) complex (Membracidae: Homoptera). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. 95: 574–582.
Pratt, G., and T. K. Wood 1992. A phylogenetic analysis of the Enchenopa binotata species complex (Homoptera: Membracidae) using nymphal characters. Systematic Entomology. 17: 351–357.
Wood, T. K. and J. Pesek 1992. Pronotal shape: A source of confusion or panacea in systematic studies of treehoppers (Homoptera: Membracidae). In J. T. Sorensen and R. Foottit. Ordination In Morphology, Evolution and Systematics of Insects. Elesvier. pp. 349–384.
Keese, M. C., and T. K. Wood 1991. Host plant mediated geographic variation in the life history of Platycotis vittata (Homoptera: Membracidae). Ecological Entomology. 16: 63–72.
Wood, T. K. , and M. C. Keese. 1990. Host plant induced assortative mating in Enchenopa treehoppers. Evolution. 44: 619–628.
Wood, T. K. , K. L. Olmstead, and S. I. Guttman 1990. Insect phenology mediated by host-plant water relations. Evolution. 44: 629–636.
Olmstead, K. L., and T. K. Wood 1990a. The effect of clutch size and ant attendance on egg guarding by Entylia bactriana (Homoptera: Membracidae). Psyche. 97: 111–120.
Olmstead, K. L., and T. K. Wood 1990b. Altitudinal patterns of treehopper (Homoptera) species richness: The role of ants and treehopper life Histories. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. 92:552–560.
Wood, T. K. 1988. Consequences of membracid life histories mediated by plant phenology. In C. Vidano and A. Arzone. 1988. Proceedings of 6th. Auchenorryncha Meeting. Turin, Italy. Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche, Italy. pp. 247–253.
Wood, T. K. 1987. Host plant shifts and speciation in the Enchenopa bionotata Say complex. In M. R. Wilson and L. R. Nault (eds.) Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Leafhoppers and Planthoppers of Economic Importance. C.A.B. International Institution of Entomology, London, U.K. pp. 361–368.
Tallamy, D.W., and T. K. Wood 1986. Convergence patterns in subsocial insects. Annual Review of Entomology. 31: 369–390.
Wood, T. K., and S. I.,Guttman 1985. A new member of the Enchenopa binotata Say complex on tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 87: 171–175.
Wood, T. K., and K. L. Olmstead 1984. Latitudinal effects on treehopper species richness (Homoptera: Membracidae). Ecological Entomology. 9: 109–115.
Wood, T. K. 1982b. Selective factors associated with the evolution of membracid sociality. In Breed, M. D., C. D. Michener and H. E. Evans eds., The Biology of Social Insects, pp. 175–179. Westview Press, Boulder, CO.
Wood, T. K. 1979. Sociality in the Membracidae. Miscellaneous Publications of the Entomological Society of America. 11:15–22.
Wood, T. K. 1975. Studies on the function of the Membracid pronotum (Homoptera) II. Histology. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. :77(1) 78–82.
Wood, T. K., and G. K. Morris 1974a. Studies on the function of the membracid pronotum (Homoptera) I. Occurrence and distribution of articulated hairs. Canadian Entomologist. 106: 143–148.
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